Sunday, March 19, 2017

Birds of a Feather...

Lily and I had an amazing experience the other day while venturing through the woods. We took a trail that we usually bypass and came across the largest flock of black birds I've ever seen. I heard the birds chirping and a few geese off in the distance and wanted to see if I could sneak up on them. I knew there was a body of water just at the end of the trail so we headed that way. As we approached the sounds became way more voluminous than I expected. It was all anyone could hear - almost deafening - but so magical and oddly relaxing (although it did feel a bit like an Alfred Hitchcock movie). We got off the golf cart at the end of the trail and hoofed it the rest of the way. The woods were thick and the swampy ground in front of us made it hard to get too close without going for a swim. Lily stood quietly and watched in awe, as did I. I barely took any photos because I wanted to be in the moment instead of watching it all through my lens. My photos do no justice to what we actually witnessed and my words won't either, but here is an idea of what we saw. 

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